Six Minute Smiles?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could fix a smile in six minutes?

While in some minor cases, treatment can be fully completed in six months or less, most cases require a longer treatment time. Orthodontic treatment varies in length and depends on the severity of the case, but perfecting a smile is so much more than just lining up teeth. If you only focus on lining up the teeth, the jaw can be misaligned, the bite will be off, and teeth can protrude, potentially causing pain, hygiene issues and aesthetic concerns.

There are some quick fix sales gimmicks out there, but be wary as these approaches can cause more trouble for the patient. Often, what they are selling is partial treatment, ended at 6 months or less. When it comes to your dental health, gimmicks can be dangerous.

Dr. Cline is trained in some new technologies such as Propel and Acceledent which, when used appropriately, can speed up the treatment time of braces or Invisalign. However, it is important to work with an Orthodontic Specialist who has the training to incorporate accelerated orthodontics into your treatment plan.

Get Started with a Free Consultation for Braces or Invisalign.


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